Monday, July 21, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

playing with her gal pals

Going down the slide
Kim and Remley going down the slide... Jane is ready to go eat some Pizza :)

Getting ready to go eat :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Neighborhood BBQ

Setting upCutting the pork
Yummy Chicken

Our rainy street
Oh boy!
Kaitlyn and her summer Pal
Bob and Jan

Time to eat

John and Lee Anna

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

North Carolina / 4th of July

The Fam getting ready to go to the party

Before the party got started

Horseback riding in Blairsville, GA

Attack of the Bats...there were 30+ living there

Pretty Flowers

This is the life!
What is this? Gavin, thats grass!

I don't like grass!

Maddy and her mommy Brandi

Yummy dip!