Monday, May 19, 2008

A rare weekend....

My Parents gave Bobby tickets to see Larry the cable guy for his Birthday, and this was the weekend he was in town... I only took one picture, but the show was great. Kaitlyn and Gavin spent the evening with my parents so we could see the show and go to dinner. Gavin spent the night with my parents, but Kaitlyn came home so we could go on the boat with Matt and Tiffany on Sunday. Kaitlyn LOVED the boat! She kept yelling FASTER!!! FASTER!!!... WEE! We were so concerned with her getting sunburned that we kind of failed to reapply sunscreen to ourselves... So we are FRIED...but she is fine!

Larry the cable guy

Playing in the sand

Yuck me in a bathing suit She loved the waves

The Mckeown's
Eating lunch on the boat

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